Wednesday, 31 December 2014

28 Breathtaking photographs of the HUMAN RACE.

Posted By: Mano - 08:20

   A boy rescues his sister from underneath the rubble of their home in Syria.

"I’m fed up to the ears with old men dreaming up wars for young men to die in."

Yezidi girl carries an assault rifle to protect her family against ISIS.

A mother and her 3 year-old daughter, who were attacked with acid by their husband/father.

Girl that survived 11 days in Siberian Forest.

Siberian Family Meal.

Blind albino boys in their boarding room at a mission school for the blind in West Bengal, India, 2013.

3 weeks-old newborn with albinism happily sleeping with his cousin in Kinshasa, Congo photo Patricia Willocq.

Public bus passengers try to rescue a woman who tried to commit suicide by slitting her wrist with a fruit knife.

A boy of the nomadic Suri tribe of Ethiopia, in traditional face/body paint and attire.

Iowa couple of 72 years finally gets married.

The face of a Chinese coal miner.

13 year old eagle huntress Ashol Pan; Mongolia.

A Palestinian girl with a Kalashnikov rifle, amid Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza City.

7 Year Old Syrian Rebel.


An 18 year old IDF soldier pauses after a long run in full gear and battle paint. 

Rice Farmer in Small Villiage, Vietnam.

Malagasy girl walks among the Baobab trees.

Ethiopian girl from the Hamer tribe.

A Monk And His Brother.

A poor farmer’s son graduated.

A girl from the minority Yazidi sect rests at the Iraqi-Syrian border crossing in Fishkhabour, Dohuk province after fleeing Isla.

Mother and Daughter with Unique Eye Color Patterns.

Alcoholic Father with child.

2 Year Old Offering Food To Her Handicapped Mom.

Toshimana, an apprentice Geisha in Kyoto.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

This Guy follows a girl everyday in a train.. Check what and how he expressed ?

Posted By: Mano - 09:39
There are many ways to express your love.
See how this guy expressed his feelings to her.

“Time goes faster the more hollow it is. Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don’t stop at your station.”
― Carlos Ruiz ZafónThe Shadow of the Wind
Please SHARE this beautiful story with your friends.

Monday, 22 December 2014


Posted By: Mano - 11:42

When your friend says, "Tell me if I ever get in a bad relationship.." must understand that they NEVER MEANT IT.

We all had friends who said, "Let us make a promise: If either of us gets in a bad relationship,we'll tell the other person we don't like their girlfriend/boyfriend."It's like two 10 year old boys solemnly pledging that they're never going to like girls because they're
Then your friend gets into a horrible RELATIONSHIP.. and you can't say anything!! I've seen it myself manytimes- You try to subtly bring something up stupidly ("Hey man, do you think it's weird that she doesn't let you order your favourite dishes?" and he instantly becomes defensive. Sigh..

3 Takeaways:

  • People do not want your honest feedback about their relationship because their intimate partner becomes more important than you(friend). As the old rule goes, if you don’t like the relationship, you bring it up only once and never again. If you want to stay friends after that, you support their relationship, however much you don’t agree with it.
  • Usually, these disastrous relationships end (or for worse, they get married…that is a long, long life). And it all could have been fixed with some honest feedback if they were ready to hear it.
  • The way you GIVE feedback matters.
Let us see some feedbacks: 

Example: This is a bad way to give feedback.
Example: This is a goodway to give feedback.

You want to know how to improve yourself? You have to ask your people who can give you honest feedback which they thought to say you sometime ago but eventually forgot.You have  to just send these word- for word script which will eventually get you honest feedback.
Just ask yourself that What would happen if you send this to 3 people today?

Hi Name,
I'm trying to come up with a really a good NewYear's resolution for 2015 and I want your help.I know this might sound weird, but I would love your feedback on fewthings. (1) one thing you think I do really well? and (2) one thing which I should improve?
Thanks :)
This email is the kind of thing NOBODY does. And it can payoff in massive rewards. What if you found out that you tend to ramble on and onand everybody hates it? You would never know others like unless you approach them.You'll also get to find out what people like about you,which we don't always get to hear about.
This email works because you're transparently telling people what you're looking for, acknowledging that it's a little weird and asking for one constructive and one positive piece of feedback.

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