Monday, 28 July 2014


Posted By: Mano - 06:57


& Comment

Iam Fascinated about the ever-shifting relationship between words and their meaning. But it makes me worries when their connotations vastly differ from their actual meanings. One of the contentious in recent times is Secularism. It has acquired a negative implication that even our Constitution could have imagined. Its meaning according to noble dictionary, Originally used in Christian Latin , is "The world",as opposed to the church.I doubt if anything can be more inclusive than the whole wide world!.

In practise, secularism meant the separation of the church and the state.But in India, it was reinvented as to mean, the Equal treatment of all religions, both major and minor, since separation seemed impossible. Fatigued by its interpretation, I have at times wanted to abandon its use.Language is meant only for communication and if the purpose is lost, then might replace the word  with a other one which is not yet destroyed.Although I fear that it is only matter of time that this too will be threatened. But more important I fear a retreat from the word will also be a retreat from idea.

Speaking of secularism, one word which comes to my mind is the most abused word-minority, whose mere existence in this country is at stake.According to Political scientist Andre Liebich, two key elements that Constitute a minority are "Inequality and inferiority, not merely numerical but substanial inferiority". Dr.B.R.Ambedkar astutely observed the irony, "any claim for the sharing the power with minorities is called communalism while monopolising of the whole power by the majority is called nationalism !!".

A word, an idea that has been under siege for longer part of time is feminism.Nanditha Das stated that "I remember during college, most people thought being a feminist as Man-hating whiny modernist.Early on i distanced myself from being called feminist, underplayed its use and later claimed it with full force.When people stare me foe being a feminist i say there would be no reason for feminist had the world not been so skewed. I cannot for that day when one can simply be a humanist. Until then, yes,I am a feminist. So that makes me a secular humanist, fine with me."

 Old Words whose meaning has drastically changed with time ...

1. ARTIFICIAL               

    Current Meaning :Contrived or False.



urrent Meaning :Courageous


urrent Meaning :Anxious and easy to alarm.

urrent meaning :Coming after all others.Final.


 Current Meaning: Outstandingly bad.

urrent Meaning: Pleasant and agreeable.

About Mano


Unknown said...

What a changeover of meanings !!

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